Become a member of Secret Tab!

You are just a few steps away from unlocking hidden gems in your city and receiving 2 free drinks per day!

Subscribe below, receive your login and download the app to get started.

Only €14.99pm

Money back guarantee if you don't enjoy your experience!

Select drinks from a Secret Menu consisting of:
- Cocktails
- Wine
- Beer
- Mocktails
- Soft drinks

Cancel anytime!

Join Secret Tab to get access to 2 Free Drinks Daily from Lisbons best bars!





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Download the Secret Tab app to become a member!

Member Benefits

Member Benefits

2 Free Drinks Every Day at different bars

Global membership, claim drinks in cities across Europe

Global membership, claim drinks in cities across Europe (coming soon)

Access to exclusive monthly members only events

Access to additional discounts at restaurants and cafes

Meet a new community of likeminded people